Welcome to the Stoned Mickey's Revolution Discover the "Stoned Mickey's", a unique collection of 4200 PFPs (Profile Pictures) that combine nostalgia, art, and technology. Created to mark the centennial of the iconic Mickey Mouse, now in an unforgettable "stoned" version. With the collaboration of AI technology, each Mickey is a unique work of art, ready to be part of your digital collection.
PFPs Series:
Each Mickey is a unique digital work of art, created to make you laugh and enjoy art in a way that only those who are in our groove understand. There's Mickey with red eyes, Mickey laughing all the way, Mickey philosophizing about life... a variety that you have to see to believe!
Rarity is the Key:
The Stoned Mickey's are not only funny, they are rare too! Each NFT has its own rarity. You might get a common Mickey, or maybe a super rare one? It's like a scratch card, but much more fun and, of course, without leaving home.
50% for the Community, 50% to Choose:
Here we do things differently. Half of these crazy Mickeys will be distributed through missions in our community. That's right, you can win one of these NFTs just by participating! And the other 50%? Will be for sale, for you to choose which Mickey best suits your vibe.
Why Mickey? The Chillest Mouse
We chose Mickey to celebrate the 100 years of the most iconic mouse that marked our childhood. But here, he's in a more... let's say, relaxed version. Imagine Mickey enjoying the best things in life
– that's what you'll find in each NFT.
CC0 Art: Total Creative Freedom
The art of Stoned Mickey's is from the CC0 culture, which means you can create whatever you want with it. Remix, reuse, reinvent! These Mickeys are more than art, they are inspiration for your creativity.
Enter the Breeze with Us
Come join this journey with the Stoned Mickey's. Choose your PFP, take part in the missions, and leave your mark on the Dichava Social Club. Each Mickey is a gateway to a new world, where the breeze never ends and imagination knows no bounds.
4200 PFPS
© 2024, Agency 42ZERO. All rights reserved.